Frequently Asked Questions
Will the January 2023 intake be conducted face-to-face or online? Is it possible to have a hybrid learning?
The campus is equipped with hybrid teaching technologies to facilitate hybrid learning. As of April 2022, Indonesia has lifted some travel restrictions which is an indication of the higher possibility of classes returning to face-to-face meetings in the future.
What degree will I get after I graduate from this program?
Students who graduate from this program will receive an MBA degree from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. Students can have a double MBA degree from Gadjah Mada University and the University of Agder, Norway when they spend the last semester in Norway. This double degree means that students can have the opportunity to learn from the best of both universities, including the travel to and stay in Norway for the final six months of the program. In the second semester, there will be another procedure of application for students who want to go to Norway.
I’m completing my postgraduate studies in business administration. How different will it be if I study in this program?
The ASEAN Master in Sustainability Management program is combining the competence from business school disciplines with the knowledge and experiences from environmental sciences. A key difference is in the focus on sustainability, which will be given in the second semester. Students of the program will choose between two sustainability tracks: Track 1 is comprised of courses on Energy Resource Management, Urban Planning and Management, and Climate Change Laws and Greenhouse Gas Reductions. Track 2 consists of courses on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture, Marine Resources and Coastal Management, and Forest and Conservation Management.
How much is the tuition fee for the program?
ASEAN Master in Sustainability Management is a full-scholarship program for limited seats of 20 best applicants from ASEAN countries. This means that your acceptance to the program is also the acceptance for the full scholarship. Applicants from Norway, however, will be subjected to tuition fees by the University of Agder.
Am I eligible for the full scholarship?
This program’s main targets are fresh graduates and early-career candidates with a maximum age of 30 by the time of application. Only candidates from ASEAN countries are eligible for the full scholarship. Priority is given to candidates from Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar.
Do I need to prepare for living costs if I am a scholarship awardee?
No. Each student will receive approximately 17,000 USD in total. The scholarships shall cover the full costs of tuition fees, travels, and living costs for the whole study period of 18 months.
Is the program only permitted for students with a bachelor’s degree in business?
This program is open for students from any major. Suitable academic backgrounds may be from economics, management, agricultural or forestry sciences, engineering, political science, geography, or law. But anyone who knows and cares about business sustainability is eligible to apply for this program.
What are the submission requirements to apply for the program?
To apply for the program, you must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in ASEAN countries. The applicants also need to submit the following documents:
Color photo with formal attire. (.jpg/.jpeg/.png)
Curriculum vitae or resume. (.pdf)
Motivation letter. (.pdf)
Scan of a valid passport. Page 1: ID page, page 2: info page, if any, page 3: front and back covers. (.pdf)
Two recommendation letters from the applicant’s school/institution. (.pdf)
English version of legalized undergraduate certificate and transcript. (.pdf)
English Proficiency Test. Minimum TOEFL ITP/PBT: 550, or IBT: 80, or IELTS: 6.0, or an English proficiency guarantee letter from selected ASEAN Universities. (.pdf)
Can I apply to another university or program in addition to this program?
There are no rules against applying to more than one university. It is your choice to do so.
When should I apply?
The application for the second intake for the program will end on 30 June 2022. However, do not wait until the last moment to apply—you may need more time than you think to sort out your documentation.
I am currently working at a company/governmental institution. Do you accept a recommendation letter from my manager/supervisor? Do I still need to prepare a recommendation letter from my home university?
Yes, a recommendation letter from the institution where you work is accepted. However, at least one letter should be issued by the university where you took your bachelor’s degree.
I am interested in applying, but I worry about getting a visa permit to enter Indonesia. How long in advance should I prepare?
No need to worry about the visa permit. Our Office of International Affairs recommends the application for a student visa six months in advance. We also expect that the travel to Yogyakarta, Indonesia will be feasible in 2022. If you are accepted for the 2023 intake, you will have ample time to prepare until then.
How many steps and how long does the selection process will take?
The selection process will take two stages: the documentation phase and the interview phase. These should take place within a month after the application deadline.
Who are the lecturers of this program?
The courses are taught jointly by professors from UGM and UiA, and practitioners from private businesses and public offices are invited as guest lecturers in most courses. Faculty members from participating AUN universities will also be invited as guest lectures based on their scientific qualifications and regional competencies from various parts of ASEAN. For more about the lecturers, please check the respective courses of this program.
Is there any platform/source where I can find more information about this program the participating universities in general?
The primary platform of information about the program will be delivered and updated on this website. Nevertheless, you are welcome to observe the university’s study environment where this program will be carried out via the official social media accounts of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University and the School of Business and Law, University of Agder.