Urban Planning and Management
(3 credits/7.5 ECTS)
Course Content
This course intrigues students on challenges of fast-growing megacities in the ASEAN region: poverty and defensible life space; traffic congestion; air quality, water supply, purification and conservation; wastewater treatment; municipal solid waste management; and guarantees for citizen security. Students are introduced to the governance and technical/spatial considerations in urban planning and management, while also considering the socio-economic aspects. The students will explore the application of intelligent systems as foundations for Smart Cities. The course also deals with community empowerment for resource-efficient water conservation and waste management. Practitioners from private businesses and urban governments are invited to class to bring students face-to-face with realities and discuss plausible solutions.
Learning Objectives
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will:
Understand the contexts, rationales, meaning and challenges of urban planning and management
Understand the principles, instruments and strategies for urban management
Be capable to evaluate best practices/cases in urban management
Choose and utilize IT systems precisely and contextually as foundations of Smart Cities
Understand the basic principles of current technologies for affordable clean water supply and waste-water treatment
Have in-depth knowledge and analytical skills on solid waste management for effective environment protection
Books and Reading Material
Kabisch, S. et al. (Eds.). (2018). Urban Transformations: Sustainable Urban Development Through Resource Efficiency, Quality of Life and Resilience. Springer. (Available full-text in UiA Library)
Eslamian, S. (2015). Urban Water Reuse Handbook, CRC Press
Tchobanoglous, G. & Kreith, F. (2002). Handbook of Solid Waste Management. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
El-Haggar, S.M. (2009). Industrial Solid Wastes Utilization and Disposal. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Course coordinator
Bakti Setiawan, Professor (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Jørn Cruickshank, Professor (University of Agder)