General Business Environment
(3 credits/7.5 ECTS)
Course Content
This course trains students to obtain a deep understanding of the socio-cultural and political contexts of ASEAN, which impact on growth, business, government and ecosystems. Theoretically, the course builds on New Institutional Economics, where institutions are understood as the ‘rules of the game’. Students learn to understand the pluralism of formal laws and regulations, and informal norms and customs. We also teach students to make systematic assessments of resources and obstacles for development in ASEAN, and particularly to understand the role of institutions for sustainable economic growth with equity. Students will actively contribute with knowledge from their respective home countries in course presentations and discussions.
Learning objectives
On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
Examine and understand the cultural, social and political contexts impacting on doing business in ASEAN and beyond
Identify and quantify sources of national economic growth and preconditions for sustainable economic development
Understand the role of institutions, including practices of collusion and corruption, on business operation and socio-economic development
Realize similarities and differences among ASEAN countries
Recognize national, regional and global reasons behind economic turmoil and crises
Books and Reading Material
Chang, H.-J. (2014) Economics: The User’s Guide. Pelican.
Macdonald, R. (ed.) (2019) Southeast Asia and the ASEAN Economic Community. Palgrave Macmillan.
Course Coordinator
Stein Kristiansen, Professor (University of Agder)