Research Methods

(3 credits/7.5 ECTS)

Course Content

The course prepares students for their internships, research design, data collection and analyses, and thesis writing. It fosters students’ analytical capacity and reflexive stance. We introduce the most common statistical methods and programs for analyzing numerical data, but spend more time on qualitative methods, including case studies, interview techniques, participatory action research, and design thinking. Specialized workshops on data collection, analyses, and thesis writing will be held associated with the various themes studied in the concentration courses.

Learning objectives

After completing the course, the student should:

  • Be able to formulate precise research questions and to design suitable methods for data collection and analyses of relevant issues related to business and sustainability

  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate ethical aspects of applying different research methods

  • Be able to demonstrate how both quantitative and qualitative methods can be applied in business studies

  • Have a deep understanding of how research can impact on studied objects

  • Have the basis for structuring and writing an academically stringent master thesis

Books and Reading Material

  • Bryman, A., Bell, E. (2015) Business Research Methods. Fourth edition. Oxford University Press.

  • Marshall, J., Coleman, G. and Reason, P. (2011) Leadership for Sustainability: An Action Research Approach. Greenleaf UK.

Course Coordinator

Rocky Adiguna, Ph.D. (Universitas Gadjah Mada)

B.M. Purwanto, Associate Professor (Universitas Gadjah Mada)


General Business Environment